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Event Sourcing with CQRS.

  The way event sourcing works with CQRS is to have  part of the application that models updates as writes to an event log or Kafka topic . This is paired with an event handler that subscribes to the Kafka topic, transforms the event (as required) and writes the materialized view to a read store.
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GraphQL microservices (GQLMS)

I'm curios of GraphQL !     -  GraphQL is an open-source data query and manipulation language for APIs, and a runtime for fulfilling queries with existing data. GraphQL was developed internally by Facebook in 2012 before being publicly released in 2015. It should be solving a problem in querying data !     -GraphQL lets you ask for what you want in a single query, saving bandwidth and reducing waterfall requests. It also enables clients to request their own unique data specifications. A case study ?!    - So, This is just another database technoloy ?  -  No. GraphQL is often confused with being a database technology. This is a misconception, GraphQL is a   query language   for APIs - not databases. In that sense it’s database agnostic and can be used with any kind of database or even no database at all. Source:    

Virahanka Numbers : An Application of recursion

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Extract Translate Load

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What happens if gradient is set at 1 in "Gradient descent algorithm"

So, What is gradient descent algorithm ?  - Given a feed forward netword we apply gradient descent as a fundamental function of Operation : 1. Randomly initialize : b, W1, W2, ... , Wm 2. Repeat untill convergence 3. Predict y(i) for each data point in training 4. Calculate loss J(b,w) 5. Calculate gradient of J(b,w)      b(new)   =  b(old)   -a.gradient     w1(new) =  w1(old)-a.gradient.w1     w2(new) =  w2(old)-a.gradient.w2     wm(new) =  wm(old) - a.gradient.wm 6. Update b,w1,w2,......,wm .. Simulateneously.. - When "Louis Augustin Cauchy" needed a function to find local minima he used idea of slope to iteratively move in direction guided by slope to reach local minima. - Using the same idea in feed forward networks leads to convergence of minimum error. Why gradient anyway ? So if gradient is set to 1 or in other words if we dont use gradient descent we reach to a point dir...

Whirlwind Questions : Kubernetes

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3 Dimensions of a Programming Language

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