Mat lab program to plot the ask modulated wave for a given binary sequence %program to plot ask modulated wave clc; clear all; close all; f=2; t=0:(2*pi)/99:2*pi; g=input('Enter the binary sequence to be modulated '); bit=[];mod=[];c=[];cp=[]; for i=1:length(g) if g(i)==0 die=zeros(1,100); sp=zeros(1,100); else g(i)==1 die=ones(1,100); sp=ones(1,100); end c=sin(f*t); bit=[bit die]; mod=[mod c]; cp=[cp sp]; end ask=cp.*mod; subplot(2,1,1) plot(bit); title('Binary bit pattern'); axis([0 100*length(g) -2.5 2.5]) grid on; subplot(2,1,2) plot(ask); axis([0 100*length(g) -2.5 2.5]) title('ASK modulated signal'); grid on;