Interactive Rebase : 1. git rebase -i HEAD~4 #Interactive rebase to edit last 4 commits 2. Plot : You notice a critical error on your part. The commit where you wrote tests comes after the commit where you made the actual changes. Let's swap these 2 commits so that it looks like you wrote the tests first. Swap the 'Add tests' commit so that it comes before the 'Implement poodles' commit. pick b3f1649 Add unicorn pick 4b65a5a Add tests pick f239187 Implement poodles pick c3f863f Added a title to the homepage 3.Plot : As you're editing your commits, you notice that the commit that says 'Add tests' is a little vague, maybe you should change it to something more specific. Use the reword command to change the message of this commit. pick b3f1649 Add unicorn reword 4b65a5a Add tests to commit pick f239187 Implement poodles pick c3f863f Added a title to the homepage 4.Plot : You remember that the 'Add unicorn' commit also contai...