1. git help config #shows the usage details of "config"
2. git config --global user.name "yeshsurya" #add name to configuration
3. git init #initialize the git repository
4. git status #get the staus of the git repository
5. git add *.html #add the files using wild card
6. git commit -m "First commit" # make a commit
7. git add css #all the files in directory "css" is added to staging.
8. git log # shows the commit history.
9. git diff HEAD #difference of the top most commit
10.git diff --staged #difference of the staged commit
11.git reset ostrich.html #unstage the staged changes
12.git commit -a -m "the commit message" index.html #stage and commit in a single line.
13.git commit --ament -m "will be added to the second commit" #amends last commit by addding files in the staging
14.git reset --soft HEAD^ #undoes the last commit and puts the changes back to staging area.
15.git checkout -- cats.html index.htlm # undo changes on those two files.
16.git reset --hard HEAD^ #undoes the previous commit and discard the changes.
17.git remote add origin git@example.com:example/petshop.git #linking a remote git repository
18.git push -u origin master #-u : remembers the default push branch option.
2. git config --global user.name "yeshsurya" #add name to configuration
3. git init #initialize the git repository
4. git status #get the staus of the git repository
5. git add *.html #add the files using wild card
6. git commit -m "First commit" # make a commit
7. git add css #all the files in directory "css" is added to staging.
8. git log # shows the commit history.
9. git diff HEAD #difference of the top most commit
10.git diff --staged #difference of the staged commit
11.git reset ostrich.html #unstage the staged changes
12.git commit -a -m "the commit message" index.html #stage and commit in a single line.
13.git commit --ament -m "will be added to the second commit" #amends last commit by addding files in the staging
14.git reset --soft HEAD^ #undoes the last commit and puts the changes back to staging area.
15.git checkout -- cats.html index.htlm # undo changes on those two files.
16.git reset --hard HEAD^ #undoes the previous commit and discard the changes.
17.git remote add origin git@example.com:example/petshop.git #linking a remote git repository
18.git push -u origin master #-u : remembers the default push branch option.
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