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Git --CheetSheet 2

Cloning and Branching :

1. git clone

2. git remote - show # verbose list of remote connections

3. git branch grooming # create a branch name "grooming"

4. git checkout grooming #switch to branch "grooming" #say some work was done on branch "grooming" #next merge to master

5. git checkout master # switch to master branch

6. git merge grooming # merge the changes of grooming into master

7. git checkout -b octopus #branch named "octopus" is created and checked out.

8. git remote update origin --prune #local branches will be updated.

9. You can check them out as local branches with:
git checkout -b LocalName origin/remotebranchname

Collaboration Basics :

1. git push -u origin hamsters #push the change to remote brach "hamsters"

2. git fetch # retrieve remote brach

3. git branch -d weasel # delete local brach

4. git push -u origin :weasel #delete the brach remotely.

5. git remote show origin

6. git remote prune origin #clean up remote brach which is deleted in local

7. git tag #lists all tags

8. git tag -a v1.3.2 -m "message for tag"  #tag named "v1.3.2" with given message is created.

9. git push --tags # pushes the tags to remote.

10. git checkout v1.3.1 #checks out till that tag named "v1.3.1"


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