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Showing posts from 2011

Cant See Secure Sites ?

Fix the problem with seeing them secrue sites (banks or online stores) i found this very usefull to me at my work (isp backbone support lol, at the time i was regular support  ) Any way... what u need to do is make a new notepad file and write in it the followng DLL's.. just copy-paste these regsvr32 SOFTPUB.DLL regsvr32 WINTRUST.DLL regsvr32 INITPKI.DLL regsvr32 dssenh.dll regsvr32 Rsaenh.dll regsvr32 gpkcsp.dll regsvr32 sccbase.dll regsvr32 slbcsp.dll regsvr32 Cryptdlg.dll and save it as > all file types, and make it something like securefix.bat. then just run the file and ur problem shuld be gone.

Piracy and its arms in Cyber space

It been long since i wrote a blog , however now I'm back. It 's always good to have a software for free isn't it , but it 's not so legal thing to do , however there is lot of things done out there in the name of education and experiments, if you are a learner and a geek aspiring to test lot of new things , here's the ways u can get  the stuff u need. Among the various arms of piracy I'm gonna list a few and explain those in further post.... Welcome to the world of free stuff 1. Among all the stuff p2p network stands apart , those are the one and only  TORRENTS 2, Hosting sites like rapid share and megaupload 3.Source or classifiers which tells u the file uploaded in hoster pages 4.Last but not least hidden web hosting sites and direct collection sites 

Create One-Click Shutdown and Reboot Shortcuts

First, create a shortcut on your desktop by right-clicking on the desktop, choosing New, and then choosing Shortcut. The Create Shortcut Wizard appears. In the box asking for the location of the shortcut, type shutdown. After you create the shortcut, double-clicking on it will shut down your PC. But you can do much more with a shutdown shortcut than merely shut down your PC. You can add any combination of several switches to do extra duty, like this: shutdown -r -t 01 -c "Rebooting your PC" Double-clicking on that shortcut will reboot your PC after a one-second delay and display the message "Rebooting your PC." The shutdown command includes a variety of switches you can use to customize it. Table 1-3 lists all of them and describes their use. I use this technique to create two shutdown shortcuts on my desktop—one for turning off my PC, and one for rebooting. Here are the ones I use: shutdown -s -t 03 -c "Bye Bye m8!" shutdown -r -t 03 -c &quo

Internet for Books

Here are some cool ways to hop your more needed book free of cost 1.try out some sites like 2.get to hidden wiki n then to library(http://am4wuhz3zifexz5u.onion/) of pdf files (see my previous posts to get in hidden web) 3.Use "filetype:" filter in goole for torrent file and pdf formats 4.Or u can try ur luck in searching in file hostin sites such as rapidshare or some host sites in hidden web.  Good Luck:-) Want to learn new words every and to enhance your reading skills then check out and get a free account to read thousands of books , it even has a mobile version.  Launched recently on November 15th .

Welcome to Hidden Web

The web pages which u cant access through a convention browser or search engine like Google ... Thus ur not accesed to the real internet because it contains 500 times more information than the surface web... If anyone wondered how wikileaks get that diplomatic cables , well here's the answer , well some sources declared by them are genuinely true ,but there are another sources too one among the many is the none other than our point of discussion THE HIDDEN WEB. Now I will tell u the way to get in there 1. Download tor browser :ans- google it 2.Need older version of mozilla firefox get it at 3.start TOR and pase this links :  http://gbzig3ov3o25tgew.onion/ w/index.php/Main_Page                                                      http://am4wuhz3zifexz5u.onion/ Library/English/Oxford_ Univerity_Press_USA/  YOUr there buddy ........lots of freaking stuff out there so be good and enjoy only the good(recommended) 

Way 3 to download youtube videos

Of coarse many software n mozilla plugins are available so google it down   or check the below link for beyond youtube stuff 

Vhdl codes

                                                 ALL GATES library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; entity all is     Port ( A : in std_logic;            B : in std_logic;            not1  : out std_logic;            or1   : out std_logic;            and1  : out std_logic;            nand1 : out std_logic;            nor1  : out std_logic;            exor1 : out std_logic;            exnor1: out std_logic); end all; architecture Behavioral of all is begin             not1  <=NOT A;             or1   <=A OR B;             and1  <=A AND B;             nand1 <=A NAND B;             nor1  <=A NOR B;             exor1 <=A XOR B;             exnor1<=not(A XOR B);             end Behavioral; HALF ADDER:- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED

VHDL code for Full adder in structural style

library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; ---- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating ---- any Xilinx primitives in this code. --library UNISIM; --use UNISIM.VComponents.all; entity full_adder is     Port ( a,b,cin : in  STD_LOGIC;            sum,cout : out  STD_LOGIC); end full_adder; architecture fa_str of full_adder is component xor2 port(d1,d2:in std_logic; dz:out std_logic); end component; component or2 port(n1,n2:std_logic; z:out std_logic); end component; component and2 port(a1,a2:in std_logic; u:out std_logic); end component; signal s1,s2,s3,s4,s5:std_logic; begin x1:xor2 port map(a,b,s1); x2:xor2 port map(s1,cin,sum); r1:and2 port map(a,b,s2); r2:and2 port map(b,cin,s3); r3:and2 port map(a,cin,s4); o1:or2 port map(s2,s3,s5); o2:or2 port map(s4,s5,cout); end fa_str;

Advanced Youtube Search

#1.   channel  – This Searches only YouTube channels #2.   this week  |  today  |  this month  - Searches videos uploaded in the given time frame. #3.   partner  – Searches for video uploaded by YouTube partners only. #4.   movie  – Searches for full length movies available on YouTube. #5.   hd  - Limits only HD quality videos. #6.   3d  – Limits only 3D videos. #7.  playlist  – returns only videos in playlists. #8.  long  – Returns videos that are 20 minutes or longer To use the Above simple search commands all you have to do is type in your search followed by a comma and the command.  Example: Eminem,  this month Microsoft,  3d

All about FTP

 Setting Up A Ftp: Well, since many of us have always wondered this, here it is. Long and drawn out. Also, before attempting this, realize one thing; You will have to give up your time, effort, bandwidth, and security to have a quality ftp server. That being said, here it goes. First of all, find out if your IP (Internet Protocol) is static (not changing) or dynamic (changes everytime you log on). To do this, first consider the fact if you have a dial up modem. If you do, chances are about 999 999 out of 1 000 000 that your IP is dynamic. To make it static, just go to a place like h*tp:// to register for a static ip address. You'll then need to get your IP. This can be done by doing this: Going to Start -> Run -> winipcfg or and asking 'What is my IP?' After doing so, you'll need to download an FTP server client. Personally, I'd recommend G6 FTP Server, Serv-U FTPor Bullitproof v2.15 all three of which are extremely relia