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Piracy and its arms in Cyber space

It been long since i wrote a blog , however now I'm back.

It 's always good to have a software for free isn't it , but it 's not so legal thing to do , however there is lot of things done out there in the name of education and experiments, if you are a learner and a geek aspiring to test lot of new things , here's the ways u can get  the stuff u need.

Among the various arms of piracy I'm gonna list a few and explain those in further post....

Welcome to the world of free stuff

1. Among all the stuff p2p network stands apart , those are the one and only  TORRENTS
2, Hosting sites like rapid share and megaupload
3.Source or classifiers which tells u the file uploaded in hoster pages
4.Last but not least hidden web hosting sites and direct collection sites 


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