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For Doctors --> Its a forum with collection of links to many academic material , for doctors and aspiring doctors this is the must join, however its closed and need invitation, you may contact admin for that, for finding adming , ah u need geeky instincts working weel try you luck !
Mat lab program to plot the ask modulated wave for a given binary sequence  %program to plot ask modulated wave clc; clear all; close all; f=2; t=0:(2*pi)/99:2*pi; g=input('Enter the binary sequence to be modulated '); bit=[];mod=[];c=[];cp=[]; for i=1:length(g)     if g(i)==0         die=zeros(1,100);         sp=zeros(1,100);     else g(i)==1         die=ones(1,100);         sp=ones(1,100);     end     c=sin(f*t);     bit=[bit die];     mod=[mod c];     cp=[cp sp]; end ask=cp.*mod; subplot(2,1,1) plot(bit); title('Binary bit pattern'); axis([0 100*length(g) -2.5 2.5]) grid on; subplot(2,1,2) plot(ask); axis([0 100*length(g) -2.5 2.5]) title('ASK modulated signal'); grid on;
Mat lab program to plot the frequency response of high pass filter  clc; clear all; close all; rp=1; rs=40; w1=800; w2=1200; ws=3600; aw1=2*pi*w1/ws; aw2=2*pi*w2/ws; pw1=2*tan(aw1/2); pw2=2*tan(aw2/2); [n,wc]=buttord(pw1,pw2,rp,rs,'s'); [b,a]=butter(n,wc,'high','s'); [num,den]=bilinear(b,a,1); [mag,freq]=freqz(num,den,128); freq1=freq*ws/(2*pi); m=20*log10(abs(mag)); plot(freq1,m); title('Respose of high pass filter'); grid on;
Mat lab program to plot the frequency response of low pass filter  clc; clear all; close all; rp=1; rs=40; w1=800; w2=1200; ws=3600; aw1=2*pi*w1/ws; aw2=2*pi*w2/ws; pw1=2*tan(aw1/2); pw2=2*tan(aw2/2); [n,wc]=buttord(pw1,pw2,rp,rs,'s'); [b,a]=butter(n,wc,'s'); [num,den]=bilinear(b,a,1); [mag,freq]=freqz(num,den,128); freq1=freq*ws/(2*pi); m=20*log10(abs(mag)); plot(freq1,m); title('Respose of low pass filter'); grid on;
Mat lab program to illustrate the impulse response of a LTI(linear time in-variant) system %program illustriating sampling theorem clc; clear all; close all; t=0:0.000005:0.5; f=16; t2=0:1/(1.3*f):0.5; s=cos(2*pi*f*t); sp=cos(2*pi*f*t2); subplot(3,1,1) plot(t,s,'b',t2,sp,'r*-'); hold on; stem(t2,sp,'g'); title('under sampling plot') ns=0:1/(2*f):0.5; ni=cos(2*pi*f*ns); subplot(3,1,2) plot(t,s,'b',ns,ni,'r*-') hold on; stem(ns,ni,'g'); title('nyquist sampling plot') os=0:1/(6*f):0.5;; ow=cos(2*pi*f*os); subplot(3,1,3) plot(t,s,'b',os,ow,'r*-') hold on; stem(os,ow,'g'); title('Over sampled plot') legend('analog signal','reconstructed signal','sampled signal'); 
Mat lab program to illustrate sampling theorem %program illustriating sampling theorem clc; clear all; close all; t=0:0.000005:0.5; f=16; t2=0:1/(1.3*f):0.5; s=cos(2*pi*f*t); sp=cos(2*pi*f*t2); subplot(3,1,1) plot(t,s,'b',t2,sp,'r*-'); hold on; stem(t2,sp,'g'); title('under sampling plot') ns=0:1/(2*f):0.5; ni=cos(2*pi*f*ns); subplot(3,1,2) plot(t,s,'b',ns,ni,'r*-') hold on; stem(ns,ni,'g'); title('nyquist sampling plot') os=0:1/(6*f):0.5;; ow=cos(2*pi*f*os); subplot(3,1,3) plot(t,s,'b',os,ow,'r*-') hold on; stem(os,ow,'g'); title('Over sampled plot') legend('analog signal','reconstructed signal','sampled signal'); 
Matlab program to generate sine ramp and square and their spectrum  %program to generate sine square ramp and their spectra clc; close all; clear all; f=10; t=0:0.001:0.5; s=sin(2*pi*f*t); subplot(3,1,1) plot(t,s) title('sine wave'); q=square(2*pi*50*t); subplot(3,1,2) plot(t,q) axis([0 0.2 -1.2 1.2]) title('square wave') subplot(3,1,3) plot(t,t); title('ramp wave'); figure(2) subplot(3,1,1) plot(abs(fft(s))); title('sine wave spectrum') subplot(3,1,2) plot(abs(fft(q))); title('square wave spectrum') subplot(3,1,3) plot(abs(fft(t))); title('ramp wave spectrum')
Matlab program for generating a truth table for logic equation and verify it %program to verify the logic equation clc; clear all; close all; a=[0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1]; b=[0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1]; c=[0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1]; f=(~a&~b&~c)|(~a&b&c)|(~a&~b&c)|(~a&b&c) 
Matlab program to plot VI characteristics of a diode  clc; close all; clear all; a=input('Enter the temperatre in degree centigrade '); b=input('Enter the reverse saturation current at room temperature '); q=1.6e-19; k=1.38e-23; t=a+273; v=-0.2:0.01:0.25; i=b*(exp(q*v/(k*t))-1); plot(v,i) xlabel('Voltage -->') ylabel('Current -->') grid on;
COUNTING NEGATIVE NUMBERS  AREA data1,data,readonly  DCD 2,3,-4,-5 num equ 0x80000000  AREA data2,data  SPACE 1  AREA prog,code,readonly  ENTRY  ldr r4,=num  mov r3,#4  ldr r0,=data1 up ldr r1,[r0],#4  tst r1,r4  beq skp  add r5,#1 skp subs r3,#1  bne up  ldr r0,=data2  str r5,[r0] s b s  END 
SEARCHING A NUMBER IN AN ARRAY  ;Program to search for a given 32 bit number in an array of 32 bit numbers  AREA data1,data,readonly  DCD 0x11322,0x1132101,0x32110,0x11111 strm DCD 0x11111  AREA prog,code,readonly  ENTRY  ldr r3,strm  mov r2,#1  ldr r0,=data1 up ldr r1,[r0],#4  cmp r1,r3  beq done  add r2,#1  b up done ldr r0,=pos  str r2,[r0]  ;position of the found bit is stored in SRAM s b s  AREA data2,data pos SPACE 1  END 
ONES AND ZEROS COUNT  ;Program to count the number of ones and zeros in two consecutive memory locations  AREA dot,data,readonly  DCB 0x01,0x21  AREA data1,data  SPACE 4  AREA prog,code,readonly  ENTRY  mov r2,#2  ldr r0,=dot up ldrb r1,[r0],#1  mov r3,#8 top tst r1,#0x01  bne addone  add r7,r7,#1 ;r7 contains the count of number of zeros  beq skp addone add r6,r6,#1 ; r6 contains the count of number of ones skp subs r3,r3,#1  lsr r1,#1  bne top  subs r2,#1  bne up  ldr r0,=data1  str r7,[r0],#4  str r6,[r0] s b s  END 
ASCENDING AND DESCENDING SORT  ;Program to arrange series of 32bit numbers in ascending or descending order  AREA data1,data,readonly  DCD 0x12,0x13,0x18,0x674  AREA data2,data  SPACE 4  AREA prog,code,readonly  ENTRY  mov r3,#4  ldr r0,=data1  ldr r1,=data2 top ldr r2,[r0],#4  str r2,[r1],#4  subs r3,#1  bne top  mov r5,#3 olop ldr r0,=data2  mov r6,r5 up ldr r1,[r0],#4  ldr r2,[r0]  cmp r1,r2  bcc skp ;replace bcc with bhi for descending sorting  str r1,[r0],#-4  str r2,[r0],#4 skp subs r6,#1  bne up  subs r5,#1  bne olop s b s  END
LENGTH OF NULL TERMINATED STRING  ;Program to find the length of a null terminated string  AREA data1,data,readonly strr DCB "Advanced",'0'  AREA data2,data  SPACE 1  AREA progq,code,readonly  ENTRY  ldr r0,=strr up ldrb r2,[r0],#1  cmp r2,#'0'  beq done  add r1,r1,#1  b up done ldr r0,=data2  str r1,[r0] s b s  END 
LARGER OR SMALLER IN ARRAY  ;Program to find the largest or smallest number in an array of 32 numbers  AREA data1,data,readonly array DCD 0x12,0x11,0x22,0x12,0x33,0x12,0x32,0x33,0x12,0x67,0x42,0x56,0x55,0x45,0x33,0x78       DCD 0x45,0x77,0x52,0x71,0x16,0x07,0x08,0x88,0x21,0x45,0x13,0x55,0x7A,0x64,0x11,0xff  AREA data2,data num SPACE 4  AREA reset,code,readonly  ENTRY  ldr r0,=array  mov r3,#31  ldr r1,[r0],#4 lop ldr r2,[r0],#4  cmp r1,r2  bhi skp ;replace with bcc for smallest number  mov r1,r2 skp subs r3,r3,#1  bne lop  ldr r0,=data2  str r1,[r0] s b s  END 
SQUARE OF A NUMBER USING LOOKUP TABLE   ;Program to find the square of a number (1 to 10) using lookup table   AREA data2,data res space 2  AREA prog,code,readonly  ENTRY  ldr r0,=num  ldr r1,=sqr  add r1,r1,r0  ldrb r3,[r1]  ldr r4,=res  strb r3,[r4] s b s  AREA data1,data,readonly num equ 5 sqr DCB 0x0,0x1,0x4,0x9,0x16,0x25,0x36,0x49,0x64,0x81  END
ADDIGNG 64 BIT NUMBERS  ;Program to add two 64 bit numbers   AREA prog,code,readonly   ENTRY   ldr r0,=lbl   ldmia r0,{r1-r4}   adds r5,r2,r4   adcs r6,r1,r3   eor r8,r8   adc r8,#0 ;r8 contains the carry generated if any   ldr r7,=res   stmia r7,{r5,r6,r8}   s b s    AREA dta,data,readonly lbl DCQ 0x1234567891191812     DCQ 0x1234567989999987   AREA data2,data res SPACE 8  END
DISASSEMBLING OF A BYTE  AREA data1,data,readoly  DCB 0x32  AREA data2,data  SPACE 2  AREA prog,code,readonly  ENTRY  ldrb r0,data1  and r1,r0,#0x0f  mov r2,r0,lsr #4  ldr r3,=data2  str r1,[r3],#1  str r2,[r3] s b s  END 
ADDING OF 16 BIT ARRAY     AREA data2,data sum space 1  AREA prog,code,readonly  ENTRY   LDR r0,=lbl  MOV r1,#4  LDR R2,[r0],#4  ;ADD r4,r0,#4 up LDR r3,[R0],#4  add r7,r2,r3  subs r1,#1  mov r2,r7  ;mov r0,r4  bne up  ldr r5,=sum  str r7,[r5] s b s  AREA data1,data,readonly lbl DCD   0x1201     DCD   0x0121     DCD   0x3210     DCD   0x1111  END
PROGRAM FOR ARRAY MULTIPLICATION    AREA prog,code   ENTRY   LDR R0,=DATAE   LDR R4,[R0],#4   LDR R5,[R0]   mul r2,r4,r5   ldr r3,=reslt    str r2,[r3] s b s    AREA DATAE,DATA,READONLY    DCD 0X0004,0X0002      AREA data1,data reslt DCD 0  END
ARM ASM PROGRAM FOR FINDING FACTORIAL OF A NUMBER-1     AREA prog,code,readonly EntRY     ldrb r0,num     mov r3,r0 up  sub r1,r3,#1     mul r2,r0,r1 mov r0,r2 mov r3,r1 cmp r3,#1 bhi up ldr r0,=fact str r2,[r0] s b s  AREA data2,data,readonly num DCB 0x3  AREA data1,data fact SPACE 5  END

All mIRC Commands

/ Recalls the previous command entered in the current window. /! Recalls the last command typed in any window. /action {action text} Sends the specifed action to the active channel or query window. /add [-apuce] {filename.ini} Loads aliases, popups, users, commands, and events. /ame {action text} Sends the specifed action to all channels which you are currently on. /amsg {text} Sends the specifed message to all channels which you are currently on. /auser {level} {nick|address} Adds a user with the specified access level to the remote users list. /auto [on|off|nickname|address] Toggles auto-opping of a nick or address or sets it on or off totally. /away {away message} Sets you away leave a message explaining that you are not currently paying attention to IRC. /away Sets you being back. /ban [#channel] {nickname} [type] Bans the specified nick from the curent or given channel. /beep {number} {delay} Locally beeps 'number' times with 'delay' in between t...

ARM : Advance RISC Machine s

Have you ever wondered that what drives your smart phone , or what so smart in it. Well any device with microprocessing core is said to be smart, it can be your washing machine, TV, PDAs, Media players etc they all build from a digital circuits which are decision capable ones. It was time when owning a processor product was very costly but not anymore. This is a dawn of era were teens start to design their own gadgets. The all important revolution in this regard is the ARM corporation's processor designing. The company gives licences to semiconductor chip making companies so that they can synthesize their processor cores into their chips with added peripherals. If you are a student of electronics and are non novice to 8 bit micro controllers then its time that you migrate to better thing with greater flexibility and advanced instruction set. The perfect solution to this is the ARM base micro controllers. As a beginner it might be hard to get resources of ARM just fro...