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ARM : Advance RISC Machine s

Have you ever wondered that what drives your smart phone , or what so smart in it. Well any device with microprocessing core is said to be smart, it can be your washing machine, TV, PDAs, Media players etc they all build from a digital circuits which are decision capable ones. It was time when owning a processor product was very costly but not anymore. This is a dawn of era were teens start to design their own gadgets. The all important revolution in this regard is the ARM corporation's processor designing. The company gives licences to semiconductor chip making companies so that they can synthesize their processor cores into their chips with added peripherals.
If you are a student of electronics and are non novice to 8 bit micro controllers then its time that you migrate to better thing with greater flexibility and advanced instruction set. The perfect solution to this is the ARM base micro controllers. As a beginner it might be hard to get resources of ARM just from googling it so here I am to provide you the buzz words in ARM community.

  •  Architecture Application level reference manual of  <arm version you need>
  • System developers  guide to designing and optimizing system software of ARM
Another best way to do it is goto and go for above search terms or just ARM.
The easiest one is just email me I'm ready to provide the free resources available in network , without searching for you. 


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