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Intuitive Way of understanding voltage!

Formal definition in an Electromagnetic course tells us that it is "It is the amount of work done in bringing a unit positive charge from infinity to that point".(definition of potential,voltage is potential difference) So it is basically work , and it is particular form of work i.e of a unit charge carrying work.

Well the problem with this is we encounter the notion of infinity here. So infinity is bit paradox in nature. Lets try to get idea of infinity by some metaphor. Lets assume you are ant , but a scientific research ant and ant community is as good as human community. All facilities are to the scale of ant community.The ant present in a garden and mapping of garden and discovering many things and phenomenon in garden is work of generations for ant. So they have no idea of earth, planets or solar system.They would be calling that world beyond this park is infinity, it means the measure is way beyond the potential to measure such thing.

All the story gave a perspective of limitations and some necessity of idealization to arrive at result. So use of the word "Infinity" is completely justified.

However for practical understanding I have a innovative way to understand this notion of voltage.The process of induction requires some work to be done.It means there is energy involved in process and induction in a conductor is mere transformation of such energy into electrical form.This paved the way for generation of polarity. When this state compared with the previous state , there is difference seen this difference is mainly seen in form of charge as effect and application of energy as reason.
So voltage in essence is difference is the charge in one way. Even though it isn't  true to definition which was basically work but this intuition will enable us to understand KVL and other circuit lays in more pragmatic way.


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