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Python Crash Course : Part 2

For learning core of any programming language it is necessary to learn three fundamental types of language constructs :
1.       Sequential Statements
2.       Control Statements
3.       Iterative Statements
It is just that simple , only three things to learn .Cool !!

Sequential Statements in Python

·         Variables(memory) are integral part of any algorithm implementation.
·         There is no need of declaring data type of the variable used, Python implies the data type based on context. Which is similar in Scripting language like JavaScript[here we use 'var' keyword].
Example : x=1 , x=’string’ , x=0.000 . Based on type of data at RHS the datatype of variable is implied.

·         INPUT and OUTPUT constructs in Python  :


                                Example : y=input(“Please , Provide the value of Y”)
 input() function provides the basic system input which can be responded by user keyboard.
 As said earlier the data type of variable Y will be implied based on the input given by the user.


                                Example : print(y)
print() function provides the basic system output onto console.
·         Few other categories in Python sequential constructs are Operators , which are similar to other programming languages.

·         Coding using learnt constructs :                
x=’Hello World’
y=input(“Please Enter your name”)

print(“This is”+x” “+”Program written by :”+y)


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