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Why Scala

1. Type Inference :

Uses type inference to allow the compiler to
infer the type of variables from the instances bound to them. We would write the
equivalent line in Scala as follows:
val myInstance = new Example()
The Scala compiler infers that myInstance has the Example type at compile time. A
lot of the time, it is enough to specify the types of the arguments and of the return
value of a function. The compiler can then infer types for all the variables defined in
the body of the function. Scala code is usually much more concise and readable than
the equivalent Java code, without compromising any of the type safety.

2. Immutable objects : Scala encourages the use of immutable objects.
val rollnos = List("720", "729") // List is immutable
rollnos(1) = "5" // Compile-time error
Knowing that some objects cannot be changed once instantiated reduces the number of places bugs
can creep in.

3.Functional Programming :

Scala encourages functional code. A lot of Scala code consists of using higher-order
functions to transform collections.


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