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Microservices In Nutshell

What are Microservices ?
A dialect of service oriented architecure where the services are fine grained and loosely coupled.
Also protocols for communication are lightweight.

Whare are the major projects today in industry which are microservices ?
Few companies which use microservices are : Comcast Cable,Uber,Netflix,Amazon,Ebay,Sound Cloud,Karma,Groupon.

What are the problems in Service Oriented Architecture which microservices solved ?
 - Allows skill set flexibility : Multiple technologies can be used to develop the parts isolated.
 - Easy and less risky deployment : Replacing only the changed parts of the program.
 - Individual services can be scaled.
 - Application lifecycle flexibility : can develop individual services in isolation.
 - Overall user experience improvement

What is a monolithic architecture ?
In monolithic application all ther requirements of the application will be provided by a single application abstraction.

So, Is there any threshold to consider a service to be of microservice ?
There is no hard and fast boundary set on the size of the artifact to consider a service to be microservice.

What is communication dance with respect to microservices ?
As the services get granular there might be use cases where necessity to communicate an existing service arise as a part of response to present service. Such scenario is called communication dance.

What makes microservice to be distributed globally ?
This is possible becasuse every call we make is a remote call.

What makes a microservice highly scalable ?
Artifacts involved are single purpose and separated so then can be individually scalable.

What are the risks involed in microservices ?
The fact that all calls are remote and cascading there is possibility that latency time is more.


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