Generation of Fibonacci series
org 00h
mov r2,#5 ;count of numbers generated from 1
mov 40h,#0
mov 41h,#01
mov r0,#40h
mov r1,#41h
up:mov a,@r0
add a,@r1
inc r1
inc r0
mov @r1,a
djnz r2,up ;numbers will be seen from 40h
sjmp $
The way event sourcing works with CQRS is to have part of the application that models updates as writes to an event log or Kafka topic . This is paired with an event handler that subscribes to the Kafka topic, transforms the event (as required) and writes the materialized view to a read store.
I have went to find the way in which wlan in Kali Linux could be made listed my airmon-ng command. Most of the videos and posts suggested me that it is necessary to have another wi-fi adapter to have connected to wifi network. But this is not necessary. The procedure to do this is as follows: 1. Download this package in Virtual Machine(Kali linux) "" 2.Unzip this package in terminal i.e navigate to place where you have downloaded this file , say desktop then type : cd Desktop for unzip type : tar -jxvf compat-wireless-2010-06-26-p.tar.bz2 3. Navigate into the uncompressed directory and type: i."make unload" (only words within the quotes are the commands) ii."make load" Done! now airmon-ng should have the list of the required devices.
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